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Image by Florian Müller

Athlete Spotlight #1 Michael Bazeyidio

WSO Athlete Spotlight

Willis Sports Organization builds pathways for athletes by highlighting them in our unique Athlete Spotlight series. This gives each athlete the opportunity to share their story, build a brand, and gain exposure to be able to connect with coaches. Here at WSO, we believe in building pathways and creating opportunities by reinventing the athletes recruiting process through a powerful match-making platform that combines data, training, and events.

Our audience includes + 8,000 coaches, over 100,000 athletes, and a plethora of teams from college, semi-pro, high school, and professional levels.

We hope you enjoy our coverage of all these extraordinary individuals and support them along their journey. If you would like to nominate an athlete be sure to email us at



The first athlete we would like to introduce is Michael Bazeyidio who is originally from Congo, Rwanda but has Belgium & Switzerland citizenship. It was great to be able to catch up and have the opportunity to meet and work with Michael at an event he attended in Biel, Switzerland back in November.

Once meeting Michael I could see the passion and focus he has to be able to work to be the best and continue playing the sport of American Football at a high level. Michael shared with us his story and why he has his eyes set on playing in the USA and becoming a professional athlete.

Michael also shared with us how he was recruited to the sport coming from a track & field background and got his first opportunity with the Fribourg Cardinals and now currently moving up to the men's program with the Bern Grizzlies.


What is your Favorite Food?

MB: Ribs

Why is it important for you to want to go play sports in the USA?

MB: I want to acquire the best level possible and train and play with the best of the world. I want to go pro and show the world my full potential.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

MB: Playing pro in the league

What goals have you set for this offseason?

MB: Off-season I want to work on my technique as a DB and my football IQ. Working hard at the gym as well. Having better hip mobility.

What do you like most about football & what has the game taught you?

MB: The reads! Reading and understanding what people do and what their next move gonna be. The game taught me that mindset is very important for this sport.


What has been your most memorable moment?


Why the USA & do you belong?


Why do you want to go play football in the USA?


What is your message to Recruiters?



Multi-sport athletes are very common in the USA. It is not much of a trend here in Europe as it should be due to athletes having to pay multiple club fees and various other reasons since school & sports are separate. Michael has a Track & Field background and it is no coincidence why he seems to be more athletic than others here in Switzerland. Athletes that do more than one sport are usually far superior to those who participate in one. So it is great to see that Michael has the mindset to continue developing through another sport outside of American Football which is now his main sport.

As a new player in the sport Michael has already made the Swiss National Team and looks to continue his development. Even though it was not a great season last year for the Bern Grizzlies or Michael personally he is eager to get back to work to make sure they have success in 2023. Michael is in the class of 2023 and looking to continue playing for any school in the USA. With the military coming up he hopes that he can still get the opportunity to go play in the USA because this gives him the best chance to do what he wants to do.



Here you can view a few highlights of Michael Bazeyido


Thank you

We here at Willis Sports Organization thank you for checking out our Athlete Spotlight series. We hope to continue bringing you content and stories that you like. If you would like to make suggestions or become a part of WSO and join us on our mission to create opportunities for others be sure to contact us.

We appreciate Michael Bazeyidio for sharing his story and spending time with us. Without the athletes, there are no sports and so we hope to help provide a platform for all athletes in the future and give them the platform to be heard.

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