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Image by Florian Müller

Athlete Spotlight #4 Max Gmünder


WSO Athlete Spotlight

Willis Sports Organization builds pathways for athletes by highlighting them in our unique Athlete Spotlight series. This gives each athlete the opportunity to share their story, create a brand, and gain exposure to be able to connect with coaches. Here at WSO, we believe in building pathways and creating opportunities by reinventing the athletes recruiting process through a powerful match-making platform that combines data, training, and events.

Our audience includes + 8,000 coaches, over 100,000 athletes, and many teams from college, semi-pro, high school, and professional levels.

We hope you enjoy our coverage of all these extraordinary individuals and support them along their journey. If you would like to nominate an athlete, email us at



It was a pleasure to be able to speak with Max Gmünder about many topics in this episode of the Athlete Spotlight. Many athletes dream and talk about going to the USA to continue their athletic careers but Max is actually living it. Through hard work & dedication, Max decided to be different than his peers in Switzerland and take a leap of faith by committing to college in the USA after finishing his Swiss education.

Switzerland is a very small country and often for outsiders, you get the feeling that the community is very closed-minded and afraid of doing what is different and trying new things. That was not my mindset of Max. After getting introduced to American Football at the age of 16 and leaving the sport of soccer and rowing, Max discovered a whole new excitement and passion for a completely new sport that most citizens were not aware even existed. Max started his career with the Bienna Jets in Biel, Switzerland where he has been a part of the club for more than 10 years as a player and a coach.

One day after watching some players from the University of Wisconsin Max was inspired by the story of J. J. Watt who earned his way onto the roster and now has gone on to have a career in the NFL which many believe may be Hall of Fame-worthy. This is where the mindset grew and Max made the commitment to himself to explore a new opportunity that many never take or potentially never make it. Though, the road was not easy due to his size and being an international athlete. Not all coaches have bought into the international recruiting market but those who have are finding diamonds like Max who truly exemplifies everything you want in a player on and off the field.

Max provides some great advice for players who are thinking about taking the step to go overseas to continue their sport & education. Max is now playing at the NCAA division 3 level and has found himself a home where he enjoys each and every opportunity that comes his way. Be sure to listen carefully to the steps Max took to get his opportunity in the USA. It is always great to see and hear about the international athlete's journey from the athlete's point of view.


Why is it essential for you to go play in the USA?

MG: Play at a higher level and prove to myself that I have the level to compete at the college level.

What goals do you have for the upcoming offseason?

MG: Getting stronger and more explosive

What do you like most about American Football and what has the game taught you?

MG: The camaraderie




How did you get into American Football?


Best moments & experiences in Switzerland


College Experience


What was the Recruiting process like?


How has American Football changed in the past 10 years in Switzerland?


Mindset & passion behind going to the USA to play College Football


Bienna Jets


Goals for 2023


Advice for International Athletes


Full Video


Athlete Spotlight Series

Thank our special guest Max Gmünder for sharing and taking the time to do an interview. This series was created to provide more exposure for international athletes who all dream of playing professional sports someday. Even though the journey is different many international athletes have this dream of playing in the USA. Max is actually living out his dream of playing in the USA proving many doubters or nonbelievers wrong.

International athletes have a special drive when it comes to playing sports abroad or sports that many in their countries are not accustomed to. We hope that more people will be able to see these blogs so they can support these athletes and help them fulfill their dreams.

We hope you enjoyed this interview and we here at WSO look forward to sharing more insights about athletes & coaches throughout 2023. If you would like to get involved or nominate an athlete please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here for you!!!

Be sure to follow along for more athlete stories and recruiting news.



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