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Image by Florian Müller

WSO Is Hitting Homeruns

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

Did you know that earlier this year Willis Sports Organization was selected into the Hype Sports Innovation Global Virtual Accelerator 2.0 and is a part of the Homerun Vertical?

If not well now you know of this incredible opportunity that helped create awareness of what we are doing in the sports technology space. Thanks to Hype Sports Innovation, WSO was able to receive expert coaching to help move the company forward with speed and clarity. This program creates opportunities for startups to learn, network, and connect with investors on Demo Day.

Our company profile can be seen here listed on Hype for all to see and get in contact with us. As an early-stage startup, WSO may not have a product on the market at this time but we have raised awareness about what we intend to do to disrupt the market by creating key tools for the player recruitment process. Our Minimal Valuable Product (MVP) will be showcased and pitched at Demo Day to investors interested in early-stage startups.

Since our setup as an official LLC in Bern, Switzerland WSO has been working hard to build the MVP and raise revenue to complete some of the major steps to launch the company forward. As a sports startup in Switzerland, many programs have turned us away due to sports not being a sought-after commodity currently. Though thanks to the Hype program we've been able to gauge interest from multiple investors and experts about our business model. This also has let us connect with other startups that have similar interests. Networking is key in the sports industry and with many other Hype startups going through the same phases as WSO it has been a joy to learn and work with others.

Our team is looking forward to our pitch day in January 2022. Hype Sports Innovation has given us a free platform to showcase our company and we look forward to hitting a Homerun during our presentation.


All Sports. One Family.


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