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Image by Florian Müller

Welcome Jonathan Stålberg: A Talented Junior Software Scientist Joining Our Team!


We are thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our team at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Jonathan Stålberg. As a Junior Software Scientist with a diverse skill set and a passion for cutting-edge technologies, Jonathan brings a fresh perspective and valuable expertise to our organization. Let's take a closer look at his background, professional experience, and academic achievements that make him an excellent fit for our team.


Background and Education

Jonathan holds a Master's degree in Engineering Mathematics and Computational Science from

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Throughout his studies, he specialized in Statistics, Data Science, and Machine Learning, which equipped him with a solid foundation in these fields. During his academic journey, Jonathan had the opportunity to broaden his horizons through an Erasmus exchange at Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, where he immersed himself in diverse cultures while pursuing courses in Statistics and Machine Learning.


Professional Experience

Currently, Jonathan is serving as a Junior Software Scientist at the prestigious Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Villigen, Aargau, Switzerland. His primary focus lies in developing GUI and visualization tools, as well as testing a new backend system for the SLS 2.0 upgrade. In addition, he contributes to the development of a web admin configuration page using Angular. His proficiency in Python, Testing, Angular, HTML, and Typescript plays a crucial role in driving these projects forward, showcasing his adaptability and dedication to staying at the forefront of technology.


Academic Achievements and Merits

In addition to his academic accomplishments, Jonathan's dedication and leadership have earned him several merits. He received the "Leader of the Year" scholarship, acknowledging his outstanding leadership skills at the largest sports school in Sweden. Furthermore, he was honored as "Coach of the Year" in KFUM Uppsala Basketball, highlighting his ability to inspire and guide others to success. His commitment to personal growth and development is also evident through the completion of various courses in areas such as Statistical Programming, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.



Jonathan Stålberg's joining our team as a Junior Software Scientist marks an exciting chapter in our organization's growth. With his impressive academic background, extensive technical skills, and valuable professional experience, we are confident that Jonathan will make significant contributions to our ongoing projects and help drive innovation within our team. We warmly welcome Jonathan and look forward to having him join the WSO family.


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