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Image by Florian Müller

This winter WSO is going to Hackdays!!!


This November between the 26th and 28th Willis Sports Organization will be involved in the annual Sports Hackdays event in Lucerne, Switzerland in connection with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Each year the Sports Hackdays event creates a hackathon solely dedicated to data science in Swiss sports.

As the very first Data & Recruiting Analytics provider in the country of Switzerland WSO will be showcasing a challenge and working with Athletes, Data Scientists, Engineers, Technology Providers, and Ideators to test out one of our features that is tied to our recruiting product made for colleges in the USA and professional teams around the world. Together we will generate new ideas and gather insights in order to create a prototype or build upon our existing one.

This will be a great event to showcase to potential clients and partners that a platform built around Data & Recruiting Analytics that uses Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is the future of recruiting. Although for this particular challenge we will only showcase one sport (American Football). Important to know that our company will follow the same modeling and create an All Sports Analytics platform. This solution allows athletic departments to be able to streamline the player recruitment process and have more insights to make data-driven decisions.

For example: Let's say the Young Boys soccer team in Bern is searching for young bright stars as well as a few players on the market that their scouting department has not been able to see. Our platform will be able to showcase athletes starting at the age of 14 and provide a player profile highlighting all the player's key attributes, film, personal details, and player analytics that utilize our official scoring system. Now the team also comes across a few young veteran stars say from the country of Brazil that has been under the radar but analytics show that they may be a perfect fit based on team analytics that we provide as a special feature. Because of the recruiting tools that we are able to showcase on our platform for each client, the Young Boys were able to quickly discover new talent and reach out to the players in a very quick timeframe.

At this event, we will show Swiss data enthusiasts NFL data and how we plan to help coaches make use of our match-making tool solution that lets coaches discover similar profiles with the click of a button. This will mark the first Swiss event for our company as we showcase to other data providers our innovation and how we differ from others in the market. If you would like to attend the event in Lucerne and see what Swiss data providers have to offer be sure to register for the event below. We look forward to working with all the students and experts during this hackathon.



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