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Image by Florian Müller

Sports Hackdays 2021

photo by Meier & Kamer Werbefotografie

At the Sports Hackdays, 2021 held in Lucerne Willis Sports Organization took home 1st place and was voted by the students and jury as the most innovative data-driven challenge. Our group members of challenge #9 worked all weekend with little sleep to complete our challenge. Thanks to the help of three amazing students who came with great ideas and our amazing staff we were able to come up with an algorithm that would allow us to display similar players.

This match-making tool can be used in all of our dashboards for all the sports Willis Sports will cover in the future. Data is our main pillar and to build powerful recruiting analytical dashboards there is a need for a lot of Machine Learning and AI models. As our team is prepping the stage to finalize our Minimal Valuable Product this feature will now be added to the mix. Over the course of 2021, Willis Sports has been preparing to enter the market in 2022 by launching our product which allows colleges and professional teams to have access to athletes from around the world and use our all-in-one platform to make the recruitment process faster, easier, and fun.

Events like the Sports Hackdays in Lucerne give students in the Applied Sciences and Arts program the opportunity to work with sports data-driven companies to create ultimate solutions. At the Hackdays this year we were able to do just that plus more. WSO looks forward to attending the annual Hackdays event again in 2022 with even more data and a bigger challenge. Just continue to follow us as we head into 2022 with more data-driven innovation and solutions for those going through the recruitment process.

photo by Meier & Kamer Werbefotografie & WSO

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