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Image by Florian Müller

Revolutionizing the Sports Recruitment Process with Innovative Technology

The sports recruitment process has always been a tedious and challenging task for athletes, coaches, and scouts. Traditional methods of recruitment involved scouting games, recruiting fairs, and sifting through mountains of paper resumes. However, with the rise of sports technology, the recruitment process has become more streamlined and efficient than ever before. In this blog post, we will discuss how our innovative sports recruitment platform is revolutionizing the industry.


The Problem with Traditional Recruitment Methods

Before the advent of sports technology, traditional recruitment methods were cumbersome and time-consuming. Athletes had to rely on scouts to attend their games, and coaches had to sift through paper resumes, emails, and wallboards to find & select potential recruits. This process was not only inefficient but also prone to errors and bias. In addition, many international athletes had limited opportunities to showcase their talent in the US, and the recruitment process was often limited to US-based athletes only.


Our Solution – A Complete Sports Recruitment Platform

Our sports recruitment platform is a complete solution that addresses the shortcomings of traditional recruitment methods. Our platform integrates cutting-edge technology, including tracking data & algorithms to provide insight into an individual's player athleticism and provide a comprehensive analysis of an athlete's performance. This information is presented in an easy-to-understand dashboard, which helps coaches and scouts make informed decisions about potential recruits.

Our platform is not limited to US-based athletes. We have a global reach and offer our services to athletes from around the world. Our platform is designed to cater to athletes at all levels, including high school, semi-pro, college, and professional athletes. We also understand that the recruitment process is not just about data analytics. Therefore, we will offer a complete recruitment process that includes communications, team recruiting, personalized support, and player recommendations.

(currently in development is our Big Board that works as a Trello board and allows all staff members to work collectively inside the same window at the same time and track the progression of athletes coming and going)


Direct and Indirect Competitors

Like any other industry, the sports technology market is highly competitive. We have both direct and indirect competitors in the market. Our direct competitors are companies that offer similar sports recruitment solutions to our target audience. However, many of these companies have a major focus solely on US-based athletes and charge high subscription fees to access their platforms.

On the other hand, our indirect competitors are companies that offer sports technology solutions, but not specifically for sports recruitment. These companies may have partnerships formed to obtain and share more data, but their focus is not on recruiting analytics. We believe our unique value proposition sets us apart from both our direct and indirect competitors. Having WSO located in the heart of Switzerland gives us a huge advantage over our competitors.


Strategic Partnerships

In today's highly competitive market, strategic partnerships are crucial for businesses to succeed. We have identified Tracking Football ( as a major strategic partner that we believe shares our vision and mission. Tracking Football has a proven track record of providing high-quality sports technology solutions and has a strong presence in the market. We believe collaborating with companies will help us provide even better solutions to our customers.


Our innovative sports recruitment platform is revolutionizing the sports recruitment process. By integrating cutting-edge technology, offering a global reach, and providing a complete recruitment process, we are changing the way athletes, coaches, and scouts approach recruitment. With a focus on innovation, customer satisfaction, and strategic partnerships, we are confident that our platform will continue to drive positive change in the sports technology market.



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